8. Predictions
Where our World is Heading
Where is our world heading? It's hard to say..yet, I would also argue that it is somewhat expected (in some senses). So what I mean by that is that our world is obviously so consumed (not always in bad ways) with all kinds of forms of media. People are constantly seeking entertainment and outlets for themselves and social media the number one source of both of the facets.
With all of this being said, I have some predictions on some things that we might can expect to see in the next couple of years (2020 and beyond).
First of all, it's about due time for a new social media. Some people may say that we just got Tik Tok, but Tik Tok has actually been around since 2016, and it was formally another social media platform called Musical.ly, which started in 2014. Tik Tok has recently blown up, I would say in the past maybe year-year and a half. It is definitely not new, though. We are definitely heading the direction of something new, and it is hard to say what that may be of course with the increasing and booming popularity of Tik Tok right now. Instagram, Twitter and Facebook are definitely not going anywhere any time soon. There is still a place for all of those, but we would be kidding ourselves to think that there is not something up on the horizon.
Saying all of this, I did do a little research on the top social media platforms of 2020, as of now.
Back in February, Mobile App Daily, on the matter, said that "[t]rending social media apps like Instagram and Snapchat have undoubtedly gained immense popularity and are dominating the social media via mobile devices. And this is something that even social media websites haven't been able to deliver."
They also had several apps on their list of "Best 21 Social Media Apps that will Rule in 2020" that haven't seemed to, well, rule quite yet at least (but, hey, it's only April!)
They listed an app called Telegram, Meet Up and Tapebook, just to name a few I wasn't familiar with. Apps that are still "ruling" in 2020 that I did, in fact, recognize were: Reddit, Linkedin, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Pinterest, Tumblr, WhatsApp, YouTube, Tinder and, finally, TikTok. The one that surprised me from this list was Tumblr. I have been made to believe that that user base was fading out and that the app was slowly dying.
In short, it is hard to make strong predictions on what is next, but I think we are definitely in for all hoping on a new platform really soon. My guess is that it will have to include some sort of short, quick videos (much like TikTok), a way to incorporate what is trending in the app, ways to instant message people and definitely minimal words to read. We have such small attention spans nowadays, that it has to be quick, easy, grab-your-attention-quick! entertainment. It will be interesting to see what is to come in the next couple of years, but I guarantee you that someone is working on this right now and they are working on it hard.
So start thinking of a new username (or whatever the platform may require) and get ready to get addicted to yet another social media!
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